Iowa Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) now has an online system that lets you update your child care program’s profile!
This free system lets you:
- Update your information (days and times open, rates and more) any time you’d like
- Update your openings (if you’re full, just don’t enter any)
- Add information about your program to share special areas of expertise or experience (experience with special needs, certifications or quality programs you participate in, etc.)
- Add pictures of your program to your program's profile
Information is available to families looking for care and allows your community to know about your child care program.
*Be entered to win $100 worth of program materials by logging in by April 30!
Why is this important?
CCR&R wants to share about your program with the community and families. Having updated information provides an accurate description of your program and helps you highlight your program.
How to Login
Later this week, program directors and home providers (the main email contact CCR&R has for your program) will receive an email from This email will provide a link for your program to get started! You can also use our Tips and tricks document to help with login. If you have more questions, please contact your CCR&R Child Care Consultant.
Remember, login frequently to keep your information up-to-date, especially your openings!
Want to learn more?
Watch this quick video on how to log in and use the system.
Visit our Update Your File webpage.
Tags: update your file , provider portal
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