808 5th Ave Des Moines, IA 50309 Services Provided By: Orchard Place Get Directions
Ph: (515) 246-3590 Fax: (515) 246-3570 ccrrinfo@orchardplace.org
Adair, Appanoose, Boone, Clarke, Dallas, Davis, Decatur, Hardin, Jasper, Lucas, Madison, Mahaska, Marion, Marshall, Monroe, Polk, Poweshiek, Story, Wapello, Warren and Wayne.
Free Child Care Referrals Online referrals at your fingertips » (855) 244-5301 childcare@caeiowa.org
Carol Rainforth Training Specialist All counties in Region 4 (515) 246-3561 crainforth@orchardplace.org
Michelle Greenough Child Care Consultant Adair, Clarke, Dallas, Decatur, Madison, Warren, Wayne (515) 802-8022 mgreenough@orchardplace.org
Kelly Phelps Child Care Consultant Adair, Dallas, Madison, Warren (515) 802-7292 kphelps@orchardplace.org
Karen Lauer Child Care Consultant Appanoose, Davis, Lucas, Mahaska, Monroe, Wapello (641) 820-1922 klauer@orchardplace.org
Christa Jergens Child Care Consultant Boone, Story (515) 201-7203 cjergens@orchardplace.org
Katie Kytola Child Care Consultant Boone, Polk, Story (515) 631-2913 kkytola@orchardplace.org
Julia Green Child Care Consultant Hardin, Marshall (515) 202-1830 jgreen@orchardplace.org
Brenda O'Halloran Child Care Consultant Jasper, Marion, Poweshiek (641) 820-1923 bohalloran@orchardplace.org
Heather Sheesley Child Care Consultant Polk (515) 360-7308 hsheesley@orchardplace.org
Jennifer Schreck Child Care Consultant Polk (515) 246-3558 jschreck@orchardplace.org
Brittany Smith Child Care Consultant Polk (515) 202-7122 bsmith@orchardplace.org
Lindsey Ritter Child Care Consultant Polk (515) 240-8504 lritter@orchardplace.org
Traci Honold Child Care Consultant Polk (515) 802-8163 thonold@orchardplace.org
Roxana Sixtos Child Care Consultant Serving Latino Providers Polk (515) 246-3507 rsixtos@orchardplace.org
Lora Patton Regional Director All counties in Region 4 (515) 246-3566 lpatton@orchardplace.org
Leann Andre Child Care Consultant Supervisor and ChildNet Certification Appanoose, Clarke, Davis, Decatur, Jasper, Lucas, Mahaska, Marion, Monroe, Polk, Poweshiek, Wapello, Wayne (515) 309-5733 landre@orchardplace.org
Kristie Vasey Child Care Consultant Supervisor Adair, Boone, Dallas, Hardin, Madison, Marshall, Polk, Story, Warren (515) 309-5736 kvasey@orchardplace.org
Megan Davidson Community Development Specialist All counties in Region 4 (515) 246-3583 mdavidson@orchardplace.org
Erin Casey IQ4K Specialist All counties in Region 4 (515) 802-8164 ecasey@orchardplace.org
Casey Shelton IQ4K Specialist All counties in Region 4 (515) 802-8016 cshelton@orchardplace.org
Tiffany Simmons Regional Data Specialist All counties in Region 4 (515) 204-9446 tsimmons@orchardplace.org
Beth Richardson Regional Data Assistant All counties in Region 4 (515) 246-3590 brichardson@orchardplace.org