Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Child Care Aware of America 

COVID Recovery Iowa

Emotional Support Services

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)

Harvard Center on the Developing Child

Homeland Security and Emergency Management 

Iowa Concern Hotline

  • Offered by ISU Extension and Outreach, provides confidential access to stress counselors and an attorney for legal education, as well as information and referral services for a wide variety of topics. 800-447-1985

Iowa COVID-19 Legal Advice Hotline - 1-800-332-0419

Iowa Department of Human Services

Iowa Department of Public Health

Iowa Economic Development 

  • Iowa Business Recovery Assistance - Due to the economic impact of COVID-19 closures and postponements, Iowa Economic Development is gathering resources and information that may be of use.

Iowa Finance Authority

Iowa Workforce Development/Iowa Works

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

Small Business Development Centers

U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

U.S. Department of Labor 

Iowa Multi-lingual COVID-19 Phone Line:  877-558-2609

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) impacts our life, information and services. This phone service can help answer questions and connect you to doctors and support services for any needs. The help is available in your language. Your call is free and confidential. You will speak with staff and interpreters during business hours, or leave a message and we will call you back.
  • Business Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Native Language Voicemail: 24 hours/7 days a week
  • Language selection options: Spanish – 1, Arabic - 2, Swahili – 3, Kinyarwanda – 3, Kirundi/Kinyamulenge – 3, French – 4, Burmese – 5, Karen – 5, Karenni – 5, Nepali – 6, Somali – 7, Tigrinya – 8, Kunama – 8, Amharic – 8, Nuer – 9, Mabaan – 9, Vietnamese – 0, Mandarin Chinese - *, Other Languages/English - #

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