Healthy Child Care Iowa supports the Child Care Nurse Consultant (CCNC) program. CCNC's are registered nurses who are experts in child health, child care, and child safety. CCNC's assist and support child care and early education providers to meet Iowa and national health and safety standards by providing on-site (and virtual) visits, technical assistance, training and care planning for children with special health needs. Providers may call or send questions to a CCNC about health and safety policies, health records, health resources and specific child health or safety concerns.

  • Services provided by Child Care Nurse Consultants (CCNC) are FREE to providers in Iowa.
  • For more information on Healthy Child Care Iowa or to contact a Child Care Nurse Consultant (CCNC), visit the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services website here.


Who is eligible for types of CCNC Services?


CCNC services are for everybody!

  • Child Care Center (CCC)
  • Child Development Home (CDH)
  • Nonregistered Child Care Home accepting Child Care Assistance (CCHA)
  • Department of Education Preschool
  • Afterschool Program
  • Head Start Program
  • Parents
  • Public

CCNC's can assist with the following:

  • Health and safety checklist
  • Care planning and inclusion for children with special needs
  • Health and safety policies
  • Illness prevention and control
  • Child health record checkup
  • Immunization information
  • Medication management
  • Social-emotional health
  • Playground safety
  • Injury prevention
  • Environmental safety
  • Nutrition and physical activity
  • Oral/dental health
  • Health education activities for children
  • and more!

Printed Products

HCCI offers best practices to assist providers in offering quality child care to Iowa's children.


  HCCI Printed Materials Link - You can visit the Healthy Child Care Iowa website to download posters, brochures and forms to print yourself or you can contact your local Child Care Nurse Consultant for copies. Some examples of the resources available from HCCI include:

  • Asthma Action Plan: a form that you may use when care planning for a child with asthma.
  • Breastfeeding Support: a fact sheet on the importance of supporting breastfeeding; includes information on storage and handling guidelines.
  • Child Care Weather Watch: a poster that provides information on weather and when it is safe for children to play outside.
  • Child Health Exam: a form meets Iowa's child care regulations that require an annual physical exam for the young child.
  • Child Illnesses and Exclusion Criteria for Education and Child Care Settings: a fact sheet that provides guidance for exclusion of children with signs and symptoms of illness or disease.
  • Diapering Poster: a full-color, illustrated procedure for diapering in child care.
  • Food Allergy Action Plan: a form that you can use for care planning for a child who has a food allergy.
  • Head Lice: a brochure that provides tips and treatment information about head lice, as recommended by the Iowa Department of Public Health.
  • Monthly Medicine Report: a form that you can use to document medication given to children while at care.

HCCI Talkline

Call the talkline for health-related questions


  800-369-2229 - toll-free talkline for families and child care providers for health-related questions or to be connected with one of Iowa's child care nurse consultants.

Child care providers are encouraged to inform families about the talkline. Families may use the talkline for confidential health information and referral. Multiple language interpretation is available.