September 3, 2024
Dear Child Care Providers,
Click here to complete the September data collection form on your cell phone, computer, or tablet to update your child care program’s desired capacity and vacancies information. The form will take you 5 minutes or less to complete. The deadline to complete the form is September 13, 2024.
Why is it important to update information about your program…
In partnership with CCR&R and Iowa State University, Iowa launched a new online Child Care Search tool to help families find child care and help you advertise and fill your open child care slots quicker! Your open slots and desired capacity information also updates your program information in the CCR&R database and the new Child Care Data Dashboards. Check out the new Child Care Search and Child Care Data Dashboard tools here.
If you completed the form last month, your desired capacity and vacancy responses will pre-populate. Review the information and make any needed updates. If you didn’t complete the data collection form last month, complete the questions for your program. Once a year, we also ask you for information about the rates you change families for child care. These questions are in this month’s data collection form if you did not complete this information in the August form. We collect this information as part of our required market rate survey.
NOTE: Desired capacity is the number of children you can care for in your child care program at one time based on your current staffing resources and physical space available. The desired capacity may be less than your licensed/registered or non-registered capacity but cannot be more than your licensed/registered or non-registered capacity.
Not sure how to complete the form?
?Click here to watch a short video on how to complete it. If you have any questions, check out this link for Frequently Asked Questions about the project and the data collection form. Remember, you're not alone in this. You can also submit your questions using this form or contact your CCR&R Child Care Consultant.
The questions on the data collection form are one part of your child care program’s profile in the CCR&R database. Click here to review and make any needed updates to your child care program’s profile. Find more information about the importance of updating your profile and a video on how to log into the CCR&R database here.
Thanks for all you do,
Wendy Hoogeveen
Child Care Bureau Chief
Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
Tags: hhs , data collection
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