February 25, 2022 - PROGRAM UPDATE
If you or your staff are having trouble accessing the DHS Funding Opportunities webpage you may go directly to the Recruitment and Retention Bonus application portal here.
If you have technical difficulties with the application you can send an email to IARetention@tetratech.com or call the helpline at 1-833-671-1377.
February 22, 2022
Dear Child Care Providers,
The Department of Human Services is pleased to announce the Recruitment and Retention Bonus Program will start accepting applications on 2/25/2022. The purpose of these bonuses is to help support the child care workforce. Each individual staff member will need to submit their own application and checks will be sent directly to eligible staff members.
This flyer has basic information about the program and eligibility criteria is attached for child care programs to provide to their employees. Applications will be accepted through an online portal and the link will be available on the DHS Funding Opportunities webpage starting at 9 a.m. on 2/25/22. Also on 2/25/22 a HelpLine and email address will become active to support completion of applications and answer questions.
Sincerely, Wendy Hoogeveen Child Care Program Manager Division of Adult, Children & Family Services Iowa Department of Human Services
Tags: recruitment , retention , dhs bonus , bonus
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